1258 - 1425hrs.......full station cleaning carried out......biofouling still appeared minimal despite interval since last cleaning........when the calibration unit was first connected the readings form the data upload did not register and we had to go back out , disconnect and reconnect the unit before the system picked up and registered its presence......hence the delay in cleaning and the calibration unit was not removed from the system until the following day
Because of the slightly increased tilt to the unit, one of the rope legs (Se'n) became slightly slackened and was rubbing on a nearby coral head and suffered some (apparently minimal) abrasion damage. ......we removed the offending piece of coral and added more rope to the system to provide more support but reckon the tilting is the problem.
This site is for providing Discovery Bay, Jamaica the CARICOM/World Bank/MACC/NOAA ICON/CREWS Station maintenance records for data management purposes. Please update this blog whenever new operations are performed in the field, so that NOAA/AOML can coordinate their efforts with the Discovery Bay ICON/CREWS station field efforts.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Repairs To Pylon
Divers Jules Craynock and Derek Manzello inspected DBJM1 on Sept.11, 2007. Pin# 8 showed cracked substrate and concrete exposing 25% of the upper pin body. The T- pin was movable in bending toward the pylon, but not twisting. An approximate 5 degree listing of the pylon occurs, opposite pin 8 in a SE direction. All lashings and legs are in good condition and the installation is stable for normal conditions. Pin 1 showed slight upper substrate cracks but is sturdy. On Sept. 12, 2 qts. of 2-part u/w epoxy were applied to Pin 8 to rebuild the cracked substrate and the repair appears to have stopped the bending movement. The leg to pin 8 will have to be retensioned in the future and the behavior of the repaired pin under the tension needed to right the pylon is uncertain. No twisting of the pylon had occurred while exposed to the heavy forces of Hurricane Dean/Category 1.
Jules Craynock
Jules Craynock
Friday, September 14, 2007
Field Trip Completed
A team from AOML was at DBJM1 during the week of September 10th - 14th. The team consisted of Jules Craynock, Derek Manzello, Lew Gramer and Mike Jankulak.
Aerial work completed: the Vaisala Weather station mounting was adjusted by approximately nine degrees. The five solar panel cables were significantly shortened. The failing windbird / electronic compass combination was removed from the station and its aluminum mast put into storage. The station "brain" was removed and replaced; the logger firmware was upgraded on land and the internal barometer replaced. The barometer air tube was found to be filled with water at the outside end; this tube was removed. No damage of any kind (from Hurricane Dean) was observed above the surface. Four aluminum rungs were bent during station work but there are enough spare rungs to cover this loss.
Underwater work included adding 2-part epoxy to stabilize pin #8. Various maintenance tasks and biological survey activities were also performed (details to follow). The Groundtruth CT was connected during brain replacement to ensure that all connections were correct.
Future work: another trip will need to be scheduled to install the station "stabilization collar" and the replacement windbird and electronic compass.
-- Mike J+
Aerial work completed: the Vaisala Weather station mounting was adjusted by approximately nine degrees. The five solar panel cables were significantly shortened. The failing windbird / electronic compass combination was removed from the station and its aluminum mast put into storage. The station "brain" was removed and replaced; the logger firmware was upgraded on land and the internal barometer replaced. The barometer air tube was found to be filled with water at the outside end; this tube was removed. No damage of any kind (from Hurricane Dean) was observed above the surface. Four aluminum rungs were bent during station work but there are enough spare rungs to cover this loss.
Underwater work included adding 2-part epoxy to stabilize pin #8. Various maintenance tasks and biological survey activities were also performed (details to follow). The Groundtruth CT was connected during brain replacement to ensure that all connections were correct.
Future work: another trip will need to be scheduled to install the station "stabilization collar" and the replacement windbird and electronic compass.
-- Mike J+
Thursday, September 13, 2007
NO bleaching
I forgot to mention in my recent post that I observed little to no bleaching. There are some anecdotal reports of Agaricids starting to pale and/or bleach in deep water, but we were unable to observe this. Nevertheless, this sounds similar to the deep paling and partial bleaching of the plating Agaricids I saw in St. Croix two weeks ago. In short, nothing to write home about on the bleaching front.
FYI..in my previous post I mention the acronym YBD without defining it. YBD = Yellow Band Disease.
FYI..in my previous post I mention the acronym YBD without defining it. YBD = Yellow Band Disease.
Biological monitoring
Video transect surveys and urchin counts were performed today by Hugh Small, Camilo Trench, and myself. Fifteen video transects were run (16 m length transect line). All urchins within 0.5 m on either side of the transect line were identified and counted. A total of 20 urchin count transects were run (16 square meters per transect). Diadema antillarum is locally abundant near the ICON site and was the most abundant urchin surveyed. This is very encouraging as algal biomass is significantly reduced around the grazing area of individuals and where D. antillarum is absent, algal biomass is incredible (thats a scientific term).
I noted several large Acropora palmata pieces (up to 1 m in max. diameter) that had been broken and transported behind the reef crest during Hurricane Dean. Other than this, there were no indications of any negative hurricane impacts.
Nineteen colonies of Montastraea faveolata were tagged and photographed. Photos should be re-taken in 3 months to assess mortality and recovery. YBD appears to only be affecting a small proportion of M. faveolata colonies, but diseased colonies appear to have a clumped distribution. Colonies were tagged because YBD seems to be occurring throughout the Caribbean at the present time. I have received confirmed reports of YBD in the Dominican Republic and U.S. Virgin Islands to date. YBD appears to have been more abundant at the St. Croix site.
I would like to extend my utmost gratitude for the field support provided by Hugh and Camilo and to our captain Anthony.
Best regards,
Derek Manzello
I noted several large Acropora palmata pieces (up to 1 m in max. diameter) that had been broken and transported behind the reef crest during Hurricane Dean. Other than this, there were no indications of any negative hurricane impacts.
Nineteen colonies of Montastraea faveolata were tagged and photographed. Photos should be re-taken in 3 months to assess mortality and recovery. YBD appears to only be affecting a small proportion of M. faveolata colonies, but diseased colonies appear to have a clumped distribution. Colonies were tagged because YBD seems to be occurring throughout the Caribbean at the present time. I have received confirmed reports of YBD in the Dominican Republic and U.S. Virgin Islands to date. YBD appears to have been more abundant at the St. Croix site.
I would like to extend my utmost gratitude for the field support provided by Hugh and Camilo and to our captain Anthony.
Best regards,
Derek Manzello
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Station Cleaning
Full station cleaning carried out on 30th Aug.
Calibration unit secured to mast at depth of shallow CTD between 1100 – 1700 hrs local time.
Cleaning took place between 1315 – 1440 hrs local time.
Screens on CTD units changed
Algal growth not heavy
Calibration unit secured to mast at depth of shallow CTD between 1100 – 1700 hrs local time.
Cleaning took place between 1315 – 1440 hrs local time.
Screens on CTD units changed
Algal growth not heavy
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Post-hurricane Inspection
Post hurricane inspection of station carried out 23 Aug 07. All intact except for outer North & North-Eastern stanchions. Cement holding pin for north-eastern stanchion badly cracked and stanchion moveable (shaken side to side) by hand but still holding and working to stabilise unit.
Cement holding pin for northern stanchion cracked but pin still secure and not moveable by hand
Good work by Jules et al
Cement holding pin for northern stanchion cracked but pin still secure and not moveable by hand
Good work by Jules et al
Monday, August 20, 2007
Post-Hurricane Dean Entry

The station withstood Hurricane Dean during the night and early morning of August 19th/20th. The maximum averaged hourly gusts measured at the station were 67.7 knots (77.9 mph), while maximum averaged hourly sustained winds were 48.5 knots (55.8 mph). The lowest barometer reading (hourly average) was about 997 millibars. Individual readings throughout each hour were no doubt higher and lower than these hourly averages. The station with calibrated instruments was just installed in June, so the data should be pretty accurate. (Click on graph above for enlarged view; times are in UTC.)
So far as I am aware, these meteorological and oceanographic data are the most comprehensive (i.e., to include sea temperature, salinity, light, pCO2, winds, etc.) for a coral reef area before, during and after a hurricane. A biological survey will be conducted soon.
We hope for the best for all of Jamaica's citizens and their country. We have not heard from Peter Gayle of Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory yet.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Maintenance Updates
There have been two cleanings since the first one, but Peter Gayle has not been able to enter complete records yet. They are preparing for Hurricane Dean.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Full Station Cleaning
Full station cleaning carried out on 19th July 07.
Calibration unit secured to mast at depth of shallow CTD between 0945 and 1700 hrs local time.
Cleaning took place between 1355 – 1505 hrs local time.
Juvenile file fish trapped inside screen for CO2 sensor which cannot be removed completely for proper cleaning because of instrument / mounting hardware design.
Algal growth not heavy
Calibration unit secured to mast at depth of shallow CTD between 0945 and 1700 hrs local time.
Cleaning took place between 1355 – 1505 hrs local time.
Juvenile file fish trapped inside screen for CO2 sensor which cannot be removed completely for proper cleaning because of instrument / mounting hardware design.
Algal growth not heavy
Thursday, June 21, 2007
1st servicing
Operation : Basic Cleaning
Date : Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Time: 1102 - 1128
Observation: High sediment deposit on instrumments and supporting structures.
Very little algal growth but few patches of hydoids on lines/cables
Light Sensors: Cleaned sensor windows with chamois. 1102 - 1107 local time
Used soft toothbrush to remove sediment from the inner grooves and outside of cases.
The deep sensor appears to have an impression (approx. 2mm long and <0.5mm>
CTDs : Removed screens and brushed away sediment with soft toothbrush.
Cleaned outercase also. Slackened Tie wraps were tightened.
SAMI: Outer case and mesh cleaned and brushed
Suppoting stuctures : Cleaned with chamois and brushes.
Pylon, Spectra line, chains and cables were not serviced.
Servicing Station
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Station Operating!

By 10am local time, June 7, 2007, all the instruments were in place and the station was transmitting. The hourly in situ (only) data are available here, and the in situ data integrated with other data, plus a lot of other information on Discovery Bay Marine Lab (in background), West Fore Reef, the instruments, and the funding for this operation can be found here. Photo by Bernadette Charpentier.
Instrument Installation Team
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Underwater Layout

A view from about 30' away shows Nancy Ash and Jim Hendee attending to preliminary wiring of the station. The eight chains are fastened to the bottom at radii of 30' away from the center to meet at stainless steel hounds on the pylon just below the water level. June 6, 2007.
Photo by Bernadette Charpentier
SAMI pCO2 instrument installed
Bottom of the Pylon

Note the zinc bar welded to the bottom plate, and the grounding plate positioned vertically on the pylon (wiring inside runs up to a lightening arrestor at the very top of the pylon). Click image to enlarge.
Photo by Bernadette Charpentier
Stringing Cables
Underwater Work
Brain Surgery
The "brain" (data logger, serial connections, etc.) was installed today, along with temporary placements of the instruments to get readings. We had the ever present ocean swell, with winds reaching 20 knots by noon, but mostly workable.
Image shown is Mike Jankulak, aloft, hoisting the RM Young Windbird from Chris Langdon.
Chris Langdon, Nancy Ash, Mike Jankulak and Jim Hendee
Saturday, May 26, 2007
View from Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory
Friday, May 25, 2007
Stick in the Water

Jules Craynock
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Pylon Installed!
Pylon now offshore. Adventure and excitement experienced by all. Rebellious pylon in persistent swell sufficiently tamed. We are on schedule. Rigging adjustments to follow. All hands OK. Visit us soon. We will keep a light on! (Light very visible at night).
Jules Craynock & NOAA/NURP Team:
James R. Talacek
Mark W. Hulsbeck
James F. Buckley
Henry J. Styron
Jules Craynock & NOAA/NURP Team:
James R. Talacek
Mark W. Hulsbeck
James F. Buckley
Henry J. Styron
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Station at Dockside
This is the station, at dockside, ready to be installed at Discovery Bay, Jamaica. This completes Phase 1 (Mike Shoemaker and Manny Collazo prepping the station) of the deployment. The installation of the bare station (but with solar panels and navigation light) by Jules Craynock and four NURP divers at the bottom plate will constitute Phase 2, this coming week, and during the week of June 4th (Phase 3) we (MIke Jankulak, Chris Langdon, Nancy Ash and me) will install the electronics and flick the switch to turn the station on. Later this summer Lew Gramer and Derek Manzello will visit Discovery Bay to give instructions on utilizing data and making ecological forecasts.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Touching Up
Solar Panels Added
When the time comes to install the electronics, the "brain" will be loaded down the tube from the end you see here. The holes in the collar surrounding the orifice, and just under the solar panels, will hold the masts which support the wind and weather instruments, including the light sensor.
DBJM1 Data Reports
Once the station becomes operational, the data will be available here:
Note that other data sources are available already, including satellite and HYCOM modeling data.
Note that other data sources are available already, including satellite and HYCOM modeling data.
Update from Discovery Bay
We have leaded the bottom of the tube and re-glassed the top back on. Today we bottom-paint where we glassed over the leading hole, and I requested yesterday that Peter Gayle buy some white or yellow marine paint (while in town for his presentation) for the top fiberglassed area.
The navigation light ran all night; it originally had a bad connector from the battery to the LED dome, but I cut it off and hard-wired it; thats when the programing held. We'll be putting on the masts, light, solar panels and lightning brush as soon as the top is painted. I'll let Jules do the stretch-wrapping just before he does the installation of the stick next week.
-- Mike Shoemaker
The navigation light ran all night; it originally had a bad connector from the battery to the LED dome, but I cut it off and hard-wired it; thats when the programing held. We'll be putting on the masts, light, solar panels and lightning brush as soon as the top is painted. I'll let Jules do the stretch-wrapping just before he does the installation of the stick next week.
-- Mike Shoemaker
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
DBJM1 Operation Starts
The station has finally been constructed and was packaged up in a container for shipping and left AOML today for Discovery Bay.
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