The station withstood Hurricane Dean during the night and early morning of August 19th/20th. The maximum averaged hourly gusts measured at the station were 67.7 knots (77.9 mph), while maximum averaged hourly sustained winds were 48.5 knots (55.8 mph). The lowest barometer reading (hourly average) was about 997 millibars. Individual readings throughout each hour were no doubt higher and lower than these hourly averages. The station with calibrated instruments was just installed in June, so the data should be pretty accurate. (Click on graph above for enlarged view; times are in UTC.)
So far as I am aware, these meteorological and oceanographic data are the most comprehensive (i.e., to include sea temperature, salinity, light, pCO2, winds, etc.) for a coral reef area before, during and after a hurricane. A biological survey will be conducted soon.
We hope for the best for all of Jamaica's citizens and their country. We have not heard from Peter Gayle of Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory yet.