Sunday, September 16, 2007

Repairs To Pylon

Divers Jules Craynock and Derek Manzello inspected DBJM1 on Sept.11, 2007. Pin# 8 showed cracked substrate and concrete exposing 25% of the upper pin body. The T- pin was movable in bending toward the pylon, but not twisting. An approximate 5 degree listing of the pylon occurs, opposite pin 8 in a SE direction. All lashings and legs are in good condition and the installation is stable for normal conditions. Pin 1 showed slight upper substrate cracks but is sturdy. On Sept. 12, 2 qts. of 2-part u/w epoxy were applied to Pin 8 to rebuild the cracked substrate and the repair appears to have stopped the bending movement. The leg to pin 8 will have to be retensioned in the future and the behavior of the repaired pin under the tension needed to right the pylon is uncertain. No twisting of the pylon had occurred while exposed to the heavy forces of Hurricane Dean/Category 1.

Jules Craynock